12 Tech Truths That Might Surprise You When Building Your First Product

We've noticed several learning curves non-technical founders face when they build their first product. Designing your product is one thing - learning the product process and realities of building tech is a whole other ballgame.

To help make those learning curves a smidge less steep, here are some of the common friction points we find throughout projects: 

Complexity of Development

Custom tech development is complex and takes a lot of time. Building and maintaining software involves various stages, from design and coding to testing and iteration.

Scope Management

It is in your best interest to stay focused. Scope creep can lead to endless development cycles and delays. Deciding what to prioritize and what to leave for later is crucial to avoid overloading the initial product launch.


You can't do everything at once. Technology choices come with trade-offs. Deciding between speed of development, scalability, security, and other factors can impact the long-term success of the product.

Technical Debt

Building a product isn't just about building new features. You'll eventually have tech debt—areas where the code could be improved in the future. Addressing this debt can slow down future development if not managed properly.

User Experience

Technical decisions influence the user experience significantly. A technically solid product might not succeed if it doesn't meet users' needs or is difficult to use.

Continuous Maintenance

Building the product is just the beginning. Regular maintenance, bug fixes, updates, and improvements are ongoing necessities in the tech world.

Dependency Management

Utilizing third-party tools or libraries (dependencies) can save time, but it also means relying on external sources, which can sometimes lead to unexpected challenges or changes.


What works for a small user base might not work when the product gains popularity. Scaling the product to accommodate more users requires careful planning.


Security breaches can be detrimental to both user trust and the company's reputation. Understanding the basics of security measures is essential.

Iterative Process

Tech products are rarely "done" after the initial launch. Successful products iterate based on user feedback and changing market trends.

Team Dynamics

Managing a technical team involves more than just overseeing coding. Effective communication, understanding team dynamics, and ensuring everyone is aligned are crucial.

Patience and Persistence

Building a tech product takes time, and success might not be immediate. Founders need patience, persistence, and the ability to adapt to changes and challenges.

Navigating the Challenges

At one point or another, you're very likely to face each of the challenges above. Knowing they're on the horizon and having context for each helps to reduce the surprise when they inevitably rear their heads.

If you'd like technical guidance as you delve into product development, ThinkNimble is always here to help. In fact, if you're dealing with some of the issues above, or your own flavor of problems, simply reply to this email and we can find some time to chat through your technical challenge. 

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