Simplify Student Loan Forgiveness for Borrowers
The Problem
Savi needed to simplify student loan forgiveness options for borrowers
Savi used ThinkNimble for a high-quality, flexible team enhancement for time sensitive development projects. With the media attention on Public Student Loan Forgiveness (PSLF), Savi wanted a simple tool to help people determine their eligibility for the program.

The Solution
Educate Borrowers, Gain Traction
Together, ThinkNimble and Savi designed and developed a microsite with a LinkedIn integration to test eligibility for the loan forgiveness program. The site walks potential Savi customers through the requirements for the program, and automatically pairs their loan information with employment information to determine where they stand in the program.
The Impact
2248+ borrowers served
3 major media hits
“ThinkNimble allowed us to develop a tool on a fairly tight deadline, assisted us with creating all the content, and pushed changes as we needed them. It was a very efficient process. Because they were very organized and always stayed on top of things, we were able to rely on them without excessive oversight. They supplemented our permanent technology team when we had a specialized, time-sensitive requirement and needed some extra capacity.”
— Aaron Smith, Co-Founder, Savi